The Filmoteca is the main source of documentary reference for film research in Catalonia. In addition to having thousands of documents and audiovisual archives deposited and catalogued, it has the resources to allow researchers and the general public to easily access all the bibliographic, documentary, videography and cinematographic collections.
The Film Library offers free access to books and other documents on the cinema and the audiovisual world. The task of cataloguing is a constant one and every year there are numerous acquisitions which include heritage items and new releases. Some of these documents have special reference conditions, either because of their rarity or due to their state of conservation.
The Preservation and Restoration Centre works to catalogue and document the film collection, taking as a reference the new EN-15907 standard for cinematographic works. The specific database of the film collection can be consulted at the Film Library; in addition, a selection of the most representative titles from the film collection have been digitised and can be consulted in the Library itself. Even so, if you want to view the films in their original medium, there are facilities available to access the audiovisual material in the Preservation and Restoration Centre, provided the requested materials are in good condition and their viewing does not imply any risk of deterioration. For further information, please read the conditions of access to the Preservation and Restoration Centre collections.
A part of these collections can be consulted through the catalogue on this website, where you can visit the databases of the Government of Catalonia Specialist Libraries (BEG), a network to which the Filmoteca belongs, or the databases of the Preservation and Restoration Centre itself, and the exclusive digital repository of the Filmoteca.