If you have films and you want to guarantee their preservation, bring them to us. Whether you are a private individual or a cultural institution such as libraries, museums and archives; or a company, industry or retailer… our team of film conservation specialists will be able to help you. You can find the formula that best meets your requirements and characteristics, whether as a donation or a deposit.
If you are interested in donating films to the Filmoteca, contact us for more information and to answer any queries you may have. If deemed necessary, a technician from the Preservation and Restoration Centre will visit you to evaluate the condition of the material. Once at the Centre, the films will be inspected and identified in order to make a valuation report in accordance with our Film Collection Policy. This report will assess the state of conservation and artistic and historical interest of the film in view of making a donation.
All the information you can provide about the films you wish to donate will be very welcome, as it will help us to appreciate and evaluate these new titles.
In all cases, the Filmoteca will credit the institutions, companies or private individuals who have donated a film.
Finally, and provided that the conditions and format of the films permit, the Preservation and Restoration Centre will offer donors free video copies of the films as well as the option of benefiting from advantages and discounts on Filmoteca de Catalunya activities.
Producers, companies, individuals or collectors who are interested in depositing their material at the Preservation and Restoration Centre to guarantee its conservation, yet still retain their ownership rights, may contact us to evaluate their potential interest under our Film Collection Policy. If the film is accepted on deposit, the lender should send the material to our centre. Once at the Filmoteca, the films will be inspected and identified, which will enable us to make a valuation report that will be used to draw up the deposit contract in accordance with their state of conservation and historical and artistic interest. These films are deposited with the Filmoteca to guarantee their preservation so they will only leave the Centre for exceptional and justified reasons.
All the information that you can provide on the films you want to deposit will be very welcome, as it will help to extend our knowledge in order to evaluate these new titles.
Whenever possible, it is also very important that you provide us with information and documentation in relation to the rights of the material you wish to deposit, otherwise they may be classified as ‘orphan works’.